
Located just a few miles south of Yankton, South Dakota, Crofton is a farming community of 800+ people.

Paul Kohles feed store
Paul Kohles feed store
Meridan Bridge between Nebraska and Yankton SD
Meridan Bridge between Nebraska and Yankton SD
Kohles Feed Store on main street Crofton
Kohles Feed Store on main street Crofton
The building of St. Rose School
The building of St. Rose School
Crofton, Nebraska early picture
Crofton, Nebraska early picture
Modern day picture of St. Rose Church
Modern day picture of St. Rose Church
Welcome to Crofton
Welcome to Crofton
St. Rose Church, parsonage, and school
St. Rose Church, parsonage, and school
Some of your relatives from St. Rose School
Some of your relatives from St. Rose School

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