
The Kohles Family has always been part of the Kollars history with Irene’s parents (Paul & Julia), to her sister (Lorene Ausdemore) to her half brothers (Albert and Lawrence Kohles) all living within a mile of Darlo & Irene, most of their lives. Irene’s half sister, Pauline Schmidt also lived just 15 miles away in Yankton, SD. Also, Irene’s half-borther Lawrence was married to Darlo’s sister Glondale and farmed just a half mile west of D&I’s farm place. Needless to say, extended family gatherings were common and enjoyed by many.  Hope you enjoy the photos and please let me know of any corrections or updates you may have or you have any photos you would like to add!

John Mary ...
John & Mary Frey - 1949
John Mary Frey - 1949.jpg

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